The New Album, 'SIX FOOT TEN' released February 1st 2025
available on Vinyl and CD.

This album had been evolving in my mind for a while, well, the concept of being 'holed up' and off-grid, away from the self imposed pressures of the recording studio, with its red lights and time constraints. I've realised some of my favourite albums were recorded in sheds, hotel rooms and around camp fires. (I'm thinking the collected field recordings of John and Alan Lomax, Chris Whitley's 'Dirt Floor' and Robert Johnson), so I thought, why not a Narrow Boat?
With only physical space a constraint, I created a floating studio on my boat, hanging up blankets, blocking off the windows and rigging up two condenser mics. With just a couple of national guitars, my case of harmonicas and a well stocked fridge, I felt I could take the time to explore, improvise and refine.
At the end of six days I was excited that I'd managed to capture the best takes of the ten tracks and now they were ready for Paul Jones of MuMu Audio to shape them into workable rough mixes.
Sticking to my original concept of recording on the boat, we spent a cosy and creative weekend, crammed on board with Jo Chambers, Jesse Benns, Lily Skinner, Paul and his mobile studio to record violin, percussion and backing vocals.
Paul took these away to mix the whole thing together. After discussions and tweaks, it was sent to be mastered by Matthew Devenish.
So, please join me aboard The Narrow Boat 'Sirius' .
I hope you enjoy the new album. 'Six Foot Ten'.
BURNT ORANGE coloured vinyl
£25.00 + £4.00 shipping

£10.00 + £3.00 shipping